

      #ifndef _CONFIG_H_
      #define _CONFIG_H_
      // ============================
      // Configuration header for wmx
      // ============================
      // To configure: change the relevant bit of the file, and rebuild the
  10  // manager.  Make sure all necessary source files are built (by
      // running "make depend" before you start).
      // This file is in four sections.  (This might imply that it's getting
      // too long.)  The sections are:
      // I.   Straightforward operational parameters
      // II.  Key bindings
      // III. Colours and fonts
      // IV.  Flashy stuff: channels, pixmaps, skeletal feedback &c.
  20  // 
      // All timing values are in milliseconds, but accuracy depends on the
      // minimum timer value available to select, so they should be taken
      // with a pinch of salt.  On the machine I'm using now, I mentally
      // double all the given values.
      // -- Chris Cannam, January 1998
      // This isn't one of the sections.  This is the structure for Stefan
  30  // `Sec' Zehl's runtime configuration hack -- see Config.C.  It's a
      // bit incomplete, but works, mostly.  Anything in this file that's
      // #defined to dConfig.something() will take its default from Config.C
      struct DynamicConfigImpl;
      class DynamicConfig 
  40      void scan(char startup = 0);
          char clickFocus();
          char raiseFocus();
          char autoRaiseFocus();
          int  raiseDelay();
          char useKeyboard();
          char fullMenu();
          char useFeedback();
          int  feedbackDelay();
  50      char disableNew();
          char rightCirculate();
          char rightLower();
          static DynamicConfig dynamicConfig;
          DynamicConfigImpl *m_impl;
          void update(char *);
      static DynamicConfig &dConfig = DynamicConfig::dynamicConfig;
      // =================================================
      // Section I. Straightforward operational parameters
      // =================================================
      // List visible as well as hidden clients on the root menu?  (Visible
      // ones will be towards the bottom of the menu, flush-right.)
  70  #define CONFIG_EVERYTHING_ON_ROOT_MENU (dConfig.fullMenu())
      // Spawn a temporary new shell between the wm and each new process?
      #define CONFIG_EXEC_USING_SHELL   False
      // What to run to get a new window (from the "New" menu option)
      #define CONFIG_NEW_WINDOW_LABEL "New"
      #define CONFIG_NEW_WINDOW_COMMAND "xterm"
      // or, for example,
  80  //#define CONFIG_NEW_WINDOW_COMMAND_OPTIONS "-ls","-sb","-sl","1024",0
      // alternatively,
      #define CONFIG_DISABLE_NEW_WINDOW_COMMAND (dConfig.disableNew())
      // Area where [exit wmx] is added (0 -> everywhere -# -> px from other side)
      #define CONFIG_EXIT_CLICK_SIZE_X 0
      #define CONFIG_EXIT_CLICK_SIZE_Y -3
      // Directory under $HOME in which to look for commands for the
      // middle-button menu
  90  #define CONFIG_COMMAND_MENU       ".wmx"
      // only used if COMMAND_MENU is not found; ignored if invalid directory:
      #define CONFIG_SYSTEM_COMMAND_MENU      "/usr/local/lib/wmx/menu"
      // Focus possibilities.
      // You can't have CLICK_TO_FOCUS without RAISE_ON_FOCUS, but the other
      // combinations should be okay.  If you set AUTO_RAISE you must leave
      // the other two False; you'll then get focus-follows, auto-raise, and
      // a delay on auto-raise as configured in the DELAY settings below.
      #define CONFIG_CLICK_TO_FOCUS     (dConfig.clickFocus())
      #define CONFIG_RAISE_ON_FOCUS     (dConfig.raiseFocus())
      #define CONFIG_AUTO_RAISE         (dConfig.autoRaiseFocus())
      // Delays when using AUTO_RAISE focus method
      // In theory these only apply when using AUTO_RAISE, not when just
      // using RAISE_ON_FOCUS without CLICK_TO_FOCUS.  First of these is the
      // usual delay before raising; second is the delay after the pointer
 110  // has stopped moving (only when over simple X windows such as xvt).
      #define CONFIG_AUTO_RAISE_DELAY       (dConfig.raiseDelay())
      #define CONFIG_DESTROY_WINDOW_DELAY   1000
      // Number of pixels off the screen you have to push a window
      // before the manager notices the window is off-screen (the higher
      // the value, the easier it is to place windows at the screen edges)
 120  #define CONFIG_BUMP_DISTANCE      16
      // If CONFIG_PROD_SHAPE is True, all frame element shapes will be
      // recalculated afresh every time their focus changes.  This will
      // probably slow things down hideously, but has been reported as
      // necessary on some systems (possibly SunOS 4.x with OpenWindows).
      #define CONFIG_PROD_SHAPE         False
      // If RESIZE_UPDATE is True, windows will opaque-resize "correctly";
 130  // if False, behaviour will be as in wm2 (stretching the background
      // image only).
      #define CONFIG_RESIZE_UPDATE      True
      // If RAISELOWER_ON_CLICK is True, clicking on the title of the
      // topmost window will lower instead of raising it (patch due to
      // Kazushi (Jam) Marukawa)
      #define CONFIG_RAISELOWER_ON_CLICK      False
      // If USE_WINDOW_GROUPS is True, then if an application marks a mapped
      // window as a group leader, when iconified, moved between desktops,
      // killed etc, the leader will take all the rest of its window group
      // with it.  Very few applications make any use of this -- indeed I
      // haven't found any to test it on yet, so it probably doesn't work
      #define CONFIG_USE_WINDOW_GROUPS        True
      // If USE_SESSION_MANAGER is True, and you have an Xsmc session
 150  // manager running, some relevant information on which client lives on
      // which desktop, etc., should be saved between sessions.  This is not
      // yet implemented, so in fact wmx should just print out a startup
      // message and then ignore it.  Want to finish the implementation?
      // You're welcome.
      #define CONFIG_USE_SESSION_MANAGER      False
      // ========================
 160  // Section II. Key bindings
      // ========================
      // Allow keyboard control?
      #define CONFIG_USE_KEYBOARD       (dConfig.useKeyboard())
      // This is a keyboard modifier mask as defined in <X11/X.h>.  It's the
      // modifier required for wm controls: e.g. Alt/Left and Alt/Right to
      // flip channels, and Alt/Tab to switch windows.  (The default value
      // of Mod1Mask corresponds to Alt on many keyboards.  On my 105-key
 170  // PC keyboard, Mod3Mask corresponds to the windows-95 key.)
      // N.B.: if you have NumLock switched on, wmx might not get key events.
      #define CONFIG_ALT_KEY_MASK       Mod1Mask
      //#define CONFIG_ALT_KEY_MASK       Mod3Mask
      // And these define the rest of the keyboard controls, when the above
      // modifier is pressed; they're keysyms as defined in <X11/keysym.h>
      // and <X11/keysymdef.h>
 180  #define CONFIG_FLIP_UP_KEY        XK_Right
      #define CONFIG_FLIP_DOWN_KEY      XK_Left
      #define CONFIG_HIDE_KEY           XK_Return
      #define CONFIG_STICKY_KEY         XK_Pause
      #define CONFIG_RAISE_KEY          XK_Up
      #define CONFIG_LOWER_KEY          XK_Down
      // Prior and Next should be the same as Page_Up and Page_Down in R6
      #define CONFIG_FULLHEIGHT_KEY     XK_Prior
 190  // The next two may clash badly with Emacs, if you use Alt as the
      // modifier.  The commented variants might work better for some.
      #define CONFIG_CIRCULATE_KEY      XK_Tab
      //#define CONFIG_CIRCULATE_KEY      XK_grave
      //#define CONFIG_CIRCULATE_KEY      XK_section
      #define CONFIG_DESTROY_KEY              XK_BackSpace
      //#define CONFIG_DESTROY_KEY        XK_Delete
      //#define CONFIG_DESTROY_KEY        XK_Insert
      // If WANT_KEYBOARD_MENU is True, then the MENU_KEY, when pressed with
 200  // the modifier, will call up a client menu with keyboard navigation
      #define CONFIG_WANT_KEYBOARD_MENU       True
      #define CONFIG_MENU_KEY         XK_Menu
      // these are for navigating on the menu; they don't require a modifier
      #define CONFIG_MENU_UP_KEY      XK_Up
      #define CONFIG_MENU_DOWN_KEY    XK_Down
      #define CONFIG_MENU_SELECT_KEY  XK_Return
      #define CONFIG_MENU_CANCEL_KEY  XK_Escape
      // Useful for fortunate people with Sun Type-5 keyboards.  These don't
 210  // require the modifier to be pressed.
      #define CONFIG_QUICKRAISE_KEY   XK_F15
      #define CONFIG_QUICKHIDE_KEY    XK_F17
      // ==============================
      // Section III. Colours and fonts
      // ==============================
      // Define I18N to enable I18N patch by Kazushi (Jam) Marukawa
      // Ability to display I18N characters.  Defines I18N as "1" to display
      // them and execute wmx with LANG environment variable set "ja_JP".
      // You need I18N ability of OS and X11 library also to do.  If you
      // don't know about them, read the message wmx with I18N displays
      // about result of setlocale().  It must be "ja" or your locale but
      // not "C".  If you get "C", there are problems.  Try to add
      // "-DX_LOCALE" as CFLAGS.  It might be help.  If you got "C" after
 230  // all, probably you should compile your X11 library with -DX_LOCALE.
      // I did it for my NetBSD box. :-)
      #define I18N 1
      // Fonts used all over the place.  NICE_FONT is for the frames, and
      // NICE_MENU_FONT for the menus.  NASTY_FONT is what you'll get if it
      // can't find one of the NICE ones.  If you have I18N, these are font
      // lists rather than just simple fonts
 240  #if I18N
      #define CONFIG_NICE_FONT          "-*-lucida-bold-r-*-*-14-*-75-75-*-*-*-*,-*-*-medium-r-*-*-14-*-75-75-*-*-*-*"
      #define CONFIG_NICE_MENU_FONT     "-*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-14-*-75-75-*-*-*-*,-*-*-medium-r-*-*-14-*-75-75-*-*-*-*"
      #define CONFIG_NASTY_FONT         "fixed,-*-*-*-*-*-*-14-*-75-75-*-*-*-*"
      #define CONFIG_NICE_FONT          "-*-lucida-bold-r-*-*-14-*-75-75-*-*-*-*"
      #define CONFIG_NICE_MENU_FONT     "-*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-14-*-75-75-*-*-*-*"
      #define CONFIG_NASTY_FONT         "fixed"
 250  // If USE_PLAIN_X_CURSORS is True, wmx will use cursors from the
      // standard X cursor font; otherwise it will install its own.  You may
      // wish to set this if your X client and server are on different
      // endian machines, or if you've aliased the cursor font to something
      // else you like better, or if you just prefer the plain X cursors
      #define CONFIG_USE_PLAIN_X_CURSORS      False
      // Colours for window decorations.  The BORDERS one is for the
      // one-pixel border around the edge of each piece of decoration, not
 260  // for the whole decoration
      #define CONFIG_TAB_FOREGROUND     "black"
      #define CONFIG_TAB_BACKGROUND     "gray80"
      #define CONFIG_FRAME_BACKGROUND   "gray95"
      #define CONFIG_BUTTON_BACKGROUND  "gray95"
      #define CONFIG_BORDERS            "black"
      #define CONFIG_MENU_FOREGROUND    "black"
      #define CONFIG_MENU_BACKGROUND    "gray80"
 270  #define CONFIG_MENU_BORDERS       "black"
      // Pixel width for the bit of frame to the left of the window and the
      // sum of the two bits at the top
      #define CONFIG_FRAME_THICKNESS    8
      // ========================
      // Section IV. Flashy stuff
 280  // ========================
      // If USE_PIXMAPS is True the frames will be decorated with the pixmap
      // in ./background.xpm; if USE_PIXMAP_MENUS is also True, the menus
      // will be too.  The latter screws up in palette-based visuals, but
      // should be okay in true-colour.
      #define CONFIG_USE_PIXMAPS        True
      #define CONFIG_USE_PIXMAP_MENUS   False
 290  // Set CHANNEL_SURF for multi-channel switching; CHANNEL_CLICK_SIZE is
      // how close you have to middle-button-click to the top-right corner
      // of the root window before the channel change happens.  Set
      // USE_CHANNEL_KEYS if you want Alt-F1, Alt-F2 etc for quick channel
      // changes, provided USE_KEYBOARD is also True.
      #define CONFIG_CHANNEL_SURF       True
      #define CONFIG_USE_CHANNEL_KEYS   True
 300  // FLIP_DELAY is the length of time the big green number stays in the
      // top-right when flipping channels, before the windows reappear.
      // QUICK_FLIP_DELAY is the equivalent figure used when flipping with
      // the Alt-Fn keys.  Milliseconds.
      #define CONFIG_FLIP_DELAY         1000
      #define CONFIG_QUICK_FLIP_DELAY   200
      // Set MAD_FEEDBACK for skeletal representations of windows when
      // flicking through the client menu and changing channels.  The DELAY
 310  // is how long skeletal feedback has to persist before wmx decides to
      // post the entire window contents instead; if it's negative, the
      // contents will never be posted.  Experiment with these -- if your
      // machine is fast and you're really hyper, you might even like a
      // delay of 0ms.
      #define CONFIG_MAD_FEEDBACK       (dConfig.useFeedback())
      #define CONFIG_FEEDBACK_DELAY     (dConfig.feedbackDelay())
 320  #endif


  • DynamicConfig Class declaration
  • DynamicConfig (constructor)
  • DynamicConfig (destructor)
  • scan (prototype) returns void
  • clickFocus (prototype) returns char
  • raiseFocus (prototype) returns char
  • autoRaiseFocus (prototype) returns char
  • raiseDelay (prototype) returns int
  • useKeyboard (prototype) returns char
  • fullMenu (prototype) returns char
  • useFeedback (prototype) returns char
  • feedbackDelay (prototype) returns int
  • disableNew (prototype) returns char
  • rightCirculate (prototype) returns char
  • rightLower (prototype) returns char
  • update (prototype) returns void