

      #include "Config.h"
      #include <string.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <ctype.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <unistd.h>
  10  DynamicConfig DynamicConfig::dynamicConfig;
      struct DynamicConfigImpl 
          char options[1000]; // Old options-string
          char path[1000];    // Path to Options-Link
          char focus;         // 1 = Click , 2 = Raise, 4 = Autoraise
          int  raisedelay;
          char kbd;           // 1 = Keyboard on
          char menu;          // 0 = no unmapped, 1 = everything
  20      char feedback;      // 0 = no , 1 = yes
          int  feeddelay;
          char disable;       // 0 = New Window option, 1 = no New
          char rightBt;       // 0 = disable, 1 = circulate, 2 = lower
      DynamicConfig::DynamicConfig() : m_impl(new DynamicConfigImpl)
          strcpy(m_impl->options, "");
  30      char *home = getenv("HOME");
          char *wmxdir = getenv("WMXDIR");
          if (!wmxdir) {
              if (!home) m_impl->path[0] = 0;
              else {
                  strcpy(m_impl->path, getenv("HOME"));  // Path to Options-Link
                  strcat(m_impl->path, "/" CONFIG_COMMAND_MENU "/options");
          } else {
              if (*wmxdir == '/') strcpy(m_impl->path, wmxdir);
              else {
                  strcpy(m_impl->path, home);
                  strcat(m_impl->path, "/");
                  strcat(m_impl->path, wmxdir);
              strcat(m_impl->path, "/options");
  50      }
          m_impl->focus = 0;  // 1 = Click , 2 = Raise, 4 = Autoraise
          m_impl->raisedelay = 400;
          m_impl->kbd = 1;            // 1 = Keyboard on
          m_impl->menu = 1;   // 0 = no unmapped, 1 = everything
          m_impl->feedback = 1;       // 0 = no , 1 = yes
          m_impl->feeddelay = 300;
          m_impl->disable = 0;        // 0 = allow New window, 1 = don't
          m_impl->rightBt = 1;        // 0 = disable, 1 = circulate, 2 = lower
          delete m_impl;
      char DynamicConfig::clickFocus() { return m_impl->focus & 1; }
  70  char DynamicConfig::raiseFocus() { return m_impl->focus & 2; }
      char DynamicConfig::autoRaiseFocus() { return m_impl->focus & 4; }
      int  DynamicConfig::raiseDelay() { return m_impl->raisedelay; }
      char DynamicConfig::useKeyboard() { return m_impl->kbd & 1; }
      char DynamicConfig::fullMenu() { return m_impl->menu & 1; }
      char DynamicConfig::useFeedback() { return m_impl->feedback & 1; }
      int  DynamicConfig::feedbackDelay() { return m_impl->feeddelay; }
      char DynamicConfig::disableNew() { return m_impl->disable & 1; }
      char DynamicConfig::rightCirculate() { return m_impl->rightBt & 1; }
      char DynamicConfig::rightLower() { return m_impl->rightBt & 2; }
      void DynamicConfig::scan(char startup)
          char temp[1000];
          memset(temp, 0, 1000);
          if (m_impl->path[0] && readlink(m_impl->path, temp, 999) > 0) {
              if (strcmp(temp, m_impl->options) != 0) { // Did it change ?
                  strcpy(m_impl->options, temp);
  90          }
          } else if (startup) {
              fprintf(stderr, "\nwmx: No dynamic configuration found\n");
      void DynamicConfig::update(char *string)
          char *s;
      #define OPTION(x) ( (!strncasecmp(s, x, strlen(x))) && (s += strlen(x)) )
          fprintf(stderr, "\nwmx: Reading dynamic configuration... ");
          s = strtok(string, "/");
          do {
              fprintf(stderr, ">%s< ",s);
              if (OPTION("menu:"))
 110              if (OPTION("full")) m_impl->menu = 1;
                  else if (OPTION("part")) m_impl->menu = 0;
              if (OPTION("new:"))
                  if (OPTION("on")) m_impl->disable = 0;
                  else if (OPTION("off")) m_impl->disable = 1;
              if (OPTION("keyboard:"))
                  if (OPTION("on")) m_impl->kbd = 1;
                  else if (OPTION("off")) m_impl->kbd = 0;
              if (OPTION("feedback:"))
                  if (OPTION("on")) {
                      m_impl->feedback = 1;
                      if (OPTION(",")) m_impl->feeddelay = strtol(s, &s, 10);
                  } else if (OPTION("off")) m_impl->feedback = 0;
              if (OPTION("focus:"))
                  if (OPTION("click")) m_impl->focus = 3;
                  else if (OPTION("raise")) m_impl->focus = 2;
 130              else if (OPTION("delay-raise")) {
                      m_impl->focus = 2;
                      if (OPTION(",")) m_impl->raisedelay = strtol(s, &s, 10);
                  } else if (OPTION("follow")) m_impl->focus = 0;
              if (OPTION("right:"))
                  if (OPTION("off")) m_impl->rightBt = 0;
                  else if (OPTION("circulate")) m_impl->rightBt = 1;
                  else if (OPTION("lower")) m_impl->rightBt = 2;
 140          if (*s != '\0') {
                  fprintf(stderr, "\nwmx: Dynamic configuration error: "
                          "`%s' @ position %d", s, string - s);
          } while (s = strtok(NULL, "/"));
          fprintf(stderr, "\n");
      #undef OPTION
 150  }


  • DynamicConfigImpl (Structure declaration)
  • DynamicConfig::clickFocus (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::raiseFocus (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::autoRaiseFocus (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::raiseDelay (function) returns int
  • DynamicConfig::useKeyboard (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::fullMenu (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::useFeedback (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::feedbackDelay (function) returns int
  • DynamicConfig::disableNew (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::rightCirculate (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::rightLower (function) returns char
  • DynamicConfig::scan (function) returns void
  • DynamicConfig::update (function) returns void