42.org, Homepages, Stefan `Sec` Zehl, Berichte [de / en ]
The most interesting thing I did on the 17c3 was Hacker-Jeopardy. As people seemed interested, here is what we used:

The Datafile, including all questions and answers:

-rw-r--r--  1 sec  sec   6738 Dec 29 03:46 Jeopardy

The game-round definition files:
-rw-r--r--  1 sec  sec     61 Dec 29 03:47 Runde1.jg
-rw-r--r--  1 sec  sec     60 Dec 29 03:47 Runde2.jg
-rw-r--r--  1 sec  sec     71 Dec 29 03:47 Runde3.jg
-rw-r--r--  1 sec  sec     73 Dec 29 03:47 Finale.jg

The main game program:
-rwx--x--x  1 sec  sec  12445 Dec 29 03:47 beopardy

Now, I wish to thank all involved parties for their help. This project could never have happened without them. First there is Manuel, who did all the Harware stuff, and had to put up with my buggy program. Then ray, wo helped with the moderation, organized the prizes and the unprejudiced random generator. I'd also like to thank the rest of the Munich CCC for their help creating questions, plaing test games and their patience. Last but not least, there were those marvellous candidates and the great audience.

We plan to have this event next year on the 18c3 again. This time with new questions, a better program, Fefe as titleholder and possibly in the Aula.

Stefan `Sec` Zehl 02.Jan.2001, 25.Mar.2001